Get The Most Out Of The Rock Breaker – Here Is How!

A breaker stays mounted on an excavator, and it deals with breaking the concrete surfaces and rocks more efficiently. For any machine to last longer, maintenance is needed, and the same applies to the hydraulic breaker.

Whether you are going for “rock breaker for sale in Queensland” or buying a new one, to sustain its capability, it needs maintenance.

Let’s get some tips here on the same-

Tips for Keeping the Hydraulic Hammer Stay Strong

ü Greasing is the most important factor for the breakers used at the construction site. A well-lubricated breaker serves you for longer and in the utmost condition.

ü Regularly check the breaker or any parts that are getting damaged. Make sure the tip of the hammer seems to be in shape, and you don’t need to replace it. Similarly, check all the parts being used in the hammer and ensure their maintenance too.

ü Call the professionals for rock breaker service in Queensland and let them inspect and repair.

ü To get the superior working efficiency, make the tip first work on the edge and get it along to the center.

ü Not all attachments work equally well with the hydraulic hammer. Go with the standard size of the attachment or, as the manual says. Having an attachment that is too small or too large directly impacts the working efficiency as well as the excavator itself.

ü While working with any particular surface, match the breaker’s frequency to the surface’s hardness.

ü Don’t let the device or the attachments face corrosion; always keep them in a dry place.

ü Avoid blank firing while operating the hammer as it causes damage to the overall system and makes the parts wear quickly. If you need to pull off the hammer, stop the device rather than firing in the air.

Is It Wise To Finance A Hammer Than Paying In Cash?

Well, many sites and local dealers finance the hammers and other construction equipment. Financing has its benefits over paying in cash, let’s get to know here- 

ü When you finance the equipment needed, you get them right away. In case of paying the cash, you first need to collect the required amount before you can actually make the purchase. 

ü When you finance, you save the cash for other emergencies in your life and the construction site. Therefore, when the tools are financed, you have peace of mind that you are not bankrupted.

ü You can spend the cash on upgrading your business rather than waiting for the project to finish so you can get credited.

ü You can take advantage of a suitable scheme and have relaxation in paying tax or any interest.


There are so many ways in which you can ensure the rock breaker a longer life. Get the “rock breaker for sale in Queensland” as you can stumble upon various sites or nearby locations selling construction tools and machinery. 

Confirm the payment methods that you are comfortable with and ask if they provide a finance facility. This way, you would be easily able to buy the hammer plus keeping it strong against time.


    Non OEM engineering parts for construction-mining-oilfield hydraulic hammer rock breakers of Epiroc, Rammer, Furukawa, DNB, Atlas Copco, MTB, Krupp, Sandvik, MSB, Allied, Kent, Montabert, Daemo, Bretec, Steck, Hanwoo, Chicago Pneumatic, Kwanglim, Tramac, Fine, Vega, Komatsu, Soosan, Topa, Toku, DandA, etc.


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